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Swimming Nature announces partnership with Steven Shaw’s Art of Swimming

By Jak Phillips    17 Aug 2015
Swimming Nature says incorporating The Shaw Method into its brand has helped the company increase its operation by almost 500 per cent

Swimming teaching companies Swimming Nature and The Art of Swimming have joined forces to form a partnership under the Swimming Nature name that will reach almost 25,000 clients across the UK.

As a company that creates bespoke classes tailored to its pupils, Swimming Nature will team up with the Art of Swimming, which bases its classes on The Shaw Method, a coaching technique devised by Steven Shaw. Devised 25 years ago, The Shaw Method is based on the Alexander Technique for body alignment which creates a simple way of learning to swim efficiently. Art of Swimming provides swimming lessons for adults throughout the UK.

“We are delighted to be expanding our successful operation further by partnering with Steven Shaw,” said Eduardo Ferre, founder and CEO of Swimming Nature.

“Steven’s existing clients and customers can be reassured that it is service as normal. Their lessons will follow the same methods but their bookings and tracking will be managed through our own award-winning Flow technology. It means that their experience will be even better than before.”

Swimming Nature – which provides classes at a range of pools, health clubs and hotels, working with operators such as Fitness First and Nuffield Health – says incorporating The Shaw Method into its brand has helped the company increase its operation by almost 500 per cent. For Shaw, the attraction of spreading his teaching ethos through a growing company was what persuaded him to agree to the merger.

“Swimming Nature has the exact same ethos as I do – to teach people to swim properly from the start and enjoy the sport and all its benefits,” said Shaw.

“I’ve known the company for years and am delighted to be joining Eduardo and his team, as it will allow me to keep teaching while knowing all my students and coaches are operating within a like-minded growing company.”

Financial details of the partnership have not been released.

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