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InBody UK

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About us
InBody is dedicated to inspiring and leading people to live a healthier life, providing medically graded commercial and home use products, with the vision that one day health will not measured by weight but by having an accurate knowledge of the full body composition.

Product range or services
InBody provides products that are accurate, medically rated holding a CE mark and certified to ISO standards for the medical and health and fitness industry.

The hero products are the body composition analyses machines, which InBody is synonymous for. InBody also offers blood pressure monitors, digital height measurement devices, wrist based technology tracking devices and home use body composition scales.

InBody analysers correlate incredibly high to gold standard, Dexa, and are now involved in over 5,000 research studies world-wide. Supporting professionals in fitness, rehabilitation, professional sport, military, and medicine.

With an awarded place on the NHS supplier framework, InBody is used for efficiently monitoring patient body composition through a range of medical fields , including – bariatrics, renal, cardiology, paediatrics, oncology, geriatrics, ICU and occupational health, to name a few.

Also, a screening tool for GP Surgeries and Pharmacies for accurate and effective health management and monitoring, so a key solution for fitness facilities supporting GP/Medical Rehbilitation referral programs.

Shows attending
• Elevate;
• Active Net;
• Perform X

and all major fitness networking events within the UK.
InBody UK video gallery:
Plans for the next 12 months
Working from research and moving into real life, InBody continues to develop and grow its product offering.

This year sees new body composition models, updated app and result parameters, and strength measuring products.

With a new added vision of InBody Everywhere, we see no boundaries in where InBody can reach – supporting and educating facilities with their health monitoring services, and to continue to empower individuals everywhere to take control of their own health.

As health and wellness become the continued focus for all, InBody team remain focused in making a real difference.
Key personnel
Francesca Cooper, UK Co Director
Key customers
• Health & Fitness facilities
• Military
• Care Homes
• Schools
• Universities
• Medical
• Corporates.
"InBody is a fantastic tool that complements the Third Space ethos of ‘Training for Life’. It adds to the professionalism of our PT product, adding credibility and allowing for realistic goal setting and tracking.

The vast amount of data points InBody tracks, provides detail can be gained from every reading, both in performance and health metrics. This adds value to our membership and gives our world-class PT’s a chance to showcase their expertise and upsell our industry-leading PT product.

InBody is now a staple of every Third Space club."
– Sebastian James (ANutr), PT Manager, Third Space
updates & press releases
28 Jul 2023
InBody UK strengthens its customer service support
Leading body composition expert, InBody UK, has strengthened its client services offering with a brand-new service support team.

Dedicated to delivering the best customer service, InBody has invested in a specialist team who will be responsible for responding to all customer enquiries from anything related to operation of the devices through to the integration of third-party software.

Hayley Fowler, Service Supervisor joined InBody UK at the end of 2022, while Adam Pankhurst, Technical Support Lead, started in January this year. With a range of experience in customer and technical service, both Adam and Hayley are well versed in customer relations and understand the importance of service for InBody customers.

Since joining InBody UK, Adam and Hayley have worked incredibly closely with the InBody European team to mirror their success. In fact, Head of Service, Harm Koks, has been instrumental in helping the team to refine its existing processes.

To further cement their commitment to InBody customers, both Hayley and Adam have achieved an advanced Level 3 Technical accreditation with Adam securing top marks for the European class while Hayley has become the first woman in the UK to complete any technical accreditation like this.

Francesca Cooper-Boden, InBody UK Co Director, said: “I am incredibly proud of the effort and application shown by both Hayley and Adam. Service is an important part of InBody’s offering and being able to support our customers through education and service support remains a strong focus – it’s what makes the InBody device a top choice for many.

“With the new team in place, some of the recent changes we’ve made to improve our customer service is creating a new ticket booking system and improving our team’s knowledge to an accreditation level they’ve not worked at before.

“Knowledge sharing and learning with our European and global teams ensures we’re up to speed with any changes as soon as they happen which means they can be implemented with our UK customers from a UK base.

“With a robust process in place we can focus on ensuring we can quickly respond to customer queries and have the right answers to the questions we’re asked. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis is an ever advancing learning curve and we must not only keep up in service but also strive to lead.”

Providing the best maintenance and repairs

With clients spanning across the UK, InBody now outsources a third-party to complete some minor device repairs and servicing. To guarantee clients receive the best experience, the team launched a bespoke training accreditation for our outsource engineers, as Francesca Cooper-Boden explains.

“From working closely with the European division, we have created a bespoke Level 4 Service training course and all of our third-party engineers must complete and pass this training to be able to work on our devices.

“Our body composition devices are incredibly high quality and so the relationships we have with these partners is essential as is their control and management under the new UK service team.”

A great after-care programme

Committed to delivering a complete service, InBody UK has also developed a robust after-care programme to help maintain ongoing relationships with its customers.

“We encourage all of our customers to invest in an annual service so they have confidence that the device is operating as it should,” adds Francesca.

“Plus, we provide a two-year standard warranty and peace of mind packages, for up to five years, to ensure longevity and operational success.

“We have aspirations to be the go-to brand for body composition across the UK so it’s essential that our machines are well looked after and continue to be as accurate and effective as when they were first installed.”

To find out more information about InBody UK and its full range of body composition devices visit:
Hayley Fowler and Adam Pankhurst Credit: Inbody
04 May 2023
Total Fitness members benefit from leading body composition device at Wilmslow site
Total Fitness has introduced a brand-new leading body composition device to its flagship site in Wilmslow.

Since January, the gym’s personal trainers have been using the 570 InBody device with members as they embark on their fitness journey, and in just three months more than 1,000 scans have been completed.

The gym also reports that 60% of those 1,000 were in fact repeat scans from customers wanting to see how their results compared to their initial scan.

Total Fitness’ dedication to continuously improve its member journey is one of the main reasons why the team invested in the body composition device.

The InBody 570 device is the advanced body composition analyser and goes beyond traditional analysis by measuring fat, muscle and total body water. In just 45 seconds, a user receives a report detailing their overall health which is an incredibly valuable resource for fitness settings.

While the device is fantastic for providing the full picture of a person’s overall health, how the results are explained and understood is a fundamental part of the user’s experience.

“The results of the scans need to be properly communicated to truly appreciate the results and what they mean, so all of our PTs at Wilmslow completed comprehensive training with the InBody team,” comments Richard Wilson, Head of Personal Training at Total Fitness.

“We want to deliver the best service to our customers so we’ve made sure our PTs can successfully analyse the results of each scan to make a significant difference to our members.”

Ever since Total Fitness started offering scans to its members, the team has noticed people are more engaged both at the gym and with their PT. In fact, 90% of members who recently completed a scan said they found the device to be massively beneficial to their programme and fitness journey.

Richard adds: “While there are many great benefits to exercise, you can’t always immediately see the results. From our experience, the InBody scans have helped users to understand it’s more than what’s on the scales or what you see in the mirror. They’re given a true picture of their overall health so they can see the real progress that they’ve made in real time.”

Francesca Cooper-Boden, InBody UK Co Director, said: “Traditionally health is prescribed by BMI and weight but with a device like InBody, users are shown a detailed report on everything from their muscle mass, fat percentage and total body water.

“It’s the perfect device to use in a fitness setting like Total Fitness because users can immediately know where they are in terms of their health, identify what changes they need to make and continuously track their progress.

“It’s fantastic to have the Total Fitness team on board and it’s great to see that the whole team are behind the InBody training to make sure their members get the most out of the device.

“Completing 1,000 scans in the first few months is an amazing result and no doubt as they start to promote the device more widely to their users this number will continue to rise.”
The InBody 570 gives the user receives a report detailing their overall health in just 45 seconds Credit: Inbody
24 Apr 2023
Club Kingswood embeds InBody 270 device into membership programme
Leading body composition device, InBody 270, has been fully embraced and integrated at an independent award winning health and fitness club in Essex.

For the last 12 months, Club Kingswood has encouraged new and existing members to complete a full body composition scan before embarking on their fitness journey.

The InBody 270 device breaks down an individual’s body composition by providing details on their weight, skeletal muscle mass, body fat percentage and body water levels. Installed at the Club Kingswood premises in Basildon, the device is free for all members to use.

“We always encourage our members to complete an InBody scan when they first join Club Kingswood because it gives a true picture of their fat mass, muscle mass and body water levels,” explains Alex Owen, General Manager at Club Kingswood.

“With a device on site, our members can regularly track their progress which keeps them motivated and increases the chances of sticking to their fitness goals.

“People often join the gym to lose weight and they’re always a bit disappointed when they jump on the scales and don’t see the weight loss – they tend to give up. But, by using an accurate body composition device that generates its own reports, users can see for themselves how their body has changed.”

Unlike some areas of the fitness industry that are yet to embrace technology, Club Kingswood is ahead of the curve for not only using the InBody device but for also incorporating it into EGYM – the system which delivers a comprehensive workout experience for all members.

“We tried and tested a few different body composition devices and InBody was the best because it was easy to use and we preferred the report it produced,” adds Alex.

“The report isn’t too overly clinical and gives a good overview of a body’s makeup and provides the stats that people are interested in. It’s also fully compatible with our existing members app so everyone can see their reports and progress in one place.”

With almost 3,000 existing members that complete up to 25 scans a day, Club Kingswood has seen first-hand how valuable InBody 270 is within a fitness setting.

“People seem to focus on body fat percentage and while that’s important, InBody gives lots of other measurements for things they might not be aware of until they have a scan,” said Alex.

“InBody isn’t focused on weight loss, it provides a full body scan and, in all honesty, I don’t know where we’d be without one.

“If you don’t have a device in your gym, I’d definitely recommend making the investment because without one, your members don’t get a true picture of where they are physically at the start of their fitness journey.”

Francesca Cooper-Boden, InBody UK Co Director, said: “Club Kingswood has certainly set a great standard for independent gyms. It’s great to see how they’re using the InBody device to help deliver an incredibly valuable membership.

“Our 270 device is fantastic for providing information to help steer and set fitness goals so it’s not surprising to hear it’s being used over and over again at Club Kingswood.

“The fact our software also integrates with EGYM is another bonus for members who can easily see and track their fitness progress.

“We’re pleased to hear the club is having such amazing success with the device and we look forward to continuing working together in the future.”
Club Kingswood has been encouraging new and existing members to complete a full body composition scan Credit: InBody
08 Mar 2023
Leading body composition device lands in Everlast Gyms across the UK
InBody is pleased to announce a brand-new partnership with Everlast Gyms.

This partnership will see body composition experts, InBody, come together with the ambitious Everlast Gyms – which is part of Frasers Group – as they set out on a new health and fitness journey.

A big focus for Everlast Gyms this year is developing an elevated gym model which includes creating an exclusive member journey and member onboarding product.

As part of this ongoing commitment, Everlast has invested in 19 of the InBody 370s model which, within just 15 seconds, generates a comprehensive overview of an individual’s body composition including weight, skeletal muscle mass, body fat percentage and body water levels. This means fitness coaches and personal trainers can easily track, monitor and manage their clients’ results.

Martyn Oakey, Head of Fitness at Frasers Group, said: “We recognised the products and tools we used in our fitness set up were impersonal and lacked clinical expertise.

“The InBody 370s is quick and easy to use and with the InBody app, the member experience is seamless either with or without a fitness coach’s support.”

InBody aspires to be the go-to brand for body composition across the UK and is already well-established within the fitness industry. In fact, this partnership with Everlast is just one of the most recent relationships InBody has developed.

Francesca Cooper-Boden, InBody UK Co Director, said: “We’re incredibly proud to have been chosen and are really motivated with the plans the Frasers Group team have for Everlast Gyms.

“To align in partnership with them, for the right reasons, is what we are passionate about and is why we’re here. The future of fitness is health, and InBody offer both the product and service range to assist fitness champions, like Everlast, in putting that message into action.”

Martyn adds: “We want to create the best gyms in the UK and with that comes the need to work with great brands that share our vision and ambition. The decision to link with InBody shows that we intend to work with the best companies and products that elevate our offering and give our members amazing results from their training plans.”

Ian Rushbury, Head of Product at InBody, comments: “It’s a crucial time for operators to look at the customer needs that sit outside the norms of cardio, functional and resistance equipment – especially in the wake of the pandemic recovery for people. We see technology as the enabler of the programs and services that operators produce, and support to validate the success of them.

“Everlast is very forward thinking for the market they are targeting, and body composition sits perfectly for upskilling their trainers as well as educating members on the benefits of monitoring baseline health markers. It is so important for us all to understand and interpret our internal health, and Everlast have shown they are willing to invest in their people as well as their product to support that.

“We are looking forward to a long-lasting relationship with the brand and the team, as they continue on their journey to evolve their proposition in the market and serve their members’ health and wellbeing expertly.”
Everlast has invested in 19 of the InBody 370s model Credit: Inbody / Everlast
30 May 2022
InBody joins ukactive as a Strategic Partner
InBody has announced a strategic partnership with ukactive, the UK’s leading membership body for the physical activity sector.

InBody joins ukactive as a Strategic Partner, to further the company’s vision in supporting children, young adults and their families in the need to develop a greater understanding and education of health and how it impacts on the overall quality of life.

In the past 18 months InBody has made significant progress in launching several new products to enhance and complement the medically graded range, which provide a tool for the medical and health and fitness market in understanding, monitoring and research into bioelectrical impedance analysis.

Partnerships now include several high profile Paediatric units at top hospitals, as well as Cardiology departments across the UK. InBody is working closely with these partners to help break down the use of bio impedance analysis as a way to really monitor children’s health, without focusing on the more traditional methods which are becoming outdated within the medical setting.

This focus, on making a real difference to our nation’s health, created a natural relationship and opportunity to become a Strategic Partner of ukactive, and to expand the network of change.

Francesca Cooper UK Co-Director says “To become part of the Strategic Partnership has always been the plan, however to really have something tangible to bring to the table and to gain support in making a difference, has to be the priority to join. InBody is now in that position and we are excited to finally become part of ukactive.”
InBody UK: news from and
A 15th-century monastery and chapel in Antwerp, Belgium, has been transformed into a 108- room hotel and spa focused on community, healing and comfort.
InBody UK: featured in Sports Management, HCM and Fit Tech magazines
Steph Eaves looks at how health assessment devices are evolving to keep up with industry trends
Francesca Cooper-Boden says health assessment services can boost health club retention
Getting proven results in the gym is highly motivating. Are health assessment systems the ultimate retention solution asks Steph Eaves
Specifier: Scantastic
Body scanning can improve the motivation and engagement of members, translating into increased retention and revenue, as Frances Marcellin discovers
The body composition specialists are showing no signs of slowing down, with new leadership and launches for 2022
InBody UK
Tel: +44 (0)1530 569620
Address: 11 Phoenix Park, Telford Way, Stephenson Industrial Estate, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3HB, England
Francesca Cooper, UK Co-Director
InBody UK video gallery:
Key personnel
Francesca Cooper, UK Co Director
Key customers
• Health & Fitness facilities
• Military
• Care Homes
• Schools
• Universities
• Medical
• Corporates.