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Could wearable tech be the answer to the childhood inactivity crisis?

By Jak Phillips    12 May 2014
The LeapBand activity tracker is aimed at children aged four to seven and encourages them to keep moving with the help of a virtual pet / LeapFrog

US-based educational entertainment developer LeapFrog has unveiled one of the first wearable activity trackers designed for children.

Given the increasing concern surrounding levels of childhood inactivity and obesity, plus the strong growth being enjoyed by the wearable tech market, it comes as no surprise that companies are turning their attentions to how to get kids moving through the use of technology.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) regards childhood obesity as one of the most serious global public health challenges for the 21st century, while the 2012 Health Survey for England showed that around 28 per cent of children aged two to 15 were classed as either overweight or obese.

The LeapBand encourages active play and healthy habits with the incentive of earning points to nurture a ‘tamagotchi-like’ personalised virtual pet.

The activity tracker features 50 different activities and challenges and, as the child earns points through active play, they can unlock additional games, challenges, levels of play and virtual rewards for their on-screen pet.

The fit-band style device features a built-in accelerometer, a high-resolution colour screen, a rechargeable battery and water-resistant design intended to withstand the rigours of play time.

"We understand that helping a child reach their potential not only includes making sure they are versed on the ABCs and 123s but that they are encouraged through play to establish healthy habits and get the exercise they need," said Dr Jody Sherman LeVos, director of LeapFrog's Learning Team.

"LeapBand takes inspiration from the growing trend of adult fitness wearables and makes it perfect for kids by bringing the fun and play of physical activities to life with their very own virtual pets."

The LeapBand activity tracker is aimed at children aged four to seven years old and is expected to cost US$40 (€29, £24) when it launches in the US and online this August.

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